How does it work?

The live program takes place once per year, and the next round is planned for autumn 2025. It is free of charge, and we will award you with a named certificate after the training is complete. You can attend selected sessions only, but we strongly recommend you participate in the entire program.

If you would like to be on the waiting list for the live program in 2025, please send an email to We will also announce the upcoming program through the newsletter.

In the live program, you will learn how NBI contributes to climate adaptation and sustainable development. You will be able to make a compelling case for NBI by explaining its economic, environmental, and social benefits, as well as compare this to conventional grey infrastructure.

The program will explain how to use a variety of different methods to value NBI, as well as present real-life NBI case studies from around the world. With this knowledge, we hope that policy-makers, infrastructure planners, and investors will be better equipped to make informed decisions about infrastructure investments and utilize NBI for climate adaptation and mitigation.

Every year, the program convenes stakeholders from all over the world.

  • 700+

    registrants last year

  • 109


  • 98%

    course satisfaction rate

5-Week Live Program 2024

In 2024, the 5-week live program started in September and entailed five Zoom sessions of two hours each. It covered similar content to the e-course, but in a shorter and more interactive format. You can still access the materials and recordings from 2024 by registering for the NBI Academy and logging in through the buttons below. You can learn about the following topics:

1. Nature-Based Infrastructure and Climate Adaptation

In this first session, we introduce you to NBI and its value for meeting infrastructure needs in adapting to climate change. We will look at the potential of NBI for various environments: Cities, Forests, Rivers, Coasts and Wetlands, as well as guidelines for planning NBI.

2. Systems Thinking for Infrastructure Decision-Making

In our second session, we look at the benefits of using integrated valuations for infrastructure decision-making, as well as solutions for overcoming the barriers for sustainable infrastructure. We will introduce you to our Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) methodology and the use of systems thinking and system mapping to understand the wider impacts of an NBI project for the environment, society and the economy. Through examples, we will highlight how you can use this approach to plan and value your own NBI projects.

3. Integrated Cost-Benefit Analyses Using Excel-based Models

In this third session of the live program, we will dive into using excel-based modelling to quantify the indicators of an NBI project, as well as take you through the steps of creating an integrated Cost-Benefit Analysis. From integration of qualitative knowledge to data collection and scenario analysis, you will grasp the step-by-step modelling process allowing you to make the business case for NBI projects.

4. Climate Data and Spatial Analysis for NBI

In our fourth session, we will explore how climate data can be used to evaluate the impacts of NBI under various scenarios, modelling projects in a way that takes the effects of climate change into account and reduces the guesswork of a project’s long-term efficacy. We will also delve into the world of spatial modelling, a valuable tool in achieving the most effective NBI interventions for your specific geography, illustrated through case studies and demonstration.

5. Financing Analysis and Solutions for NBI

In this final session, we will dive into the crucial world of financing solutions for NBI, looking at a variety of methods, instruments and practices. Using our excel-based financing model, we will demonstrate how to approach this critical final step towards project implementation.


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