Financing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) – Who is willing to pay?

January 20, 2023  |  10:30 am (GMT)

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Aerial view of highways and city in Shanghai, China


As the twin threat of climate change and biodiversity loss gains attention, so has the need to invest more in Nature-based Solutions (NbS), a type of resilient infrastructure, often referred to as natural infrastructure. There is a real opportunity for upscaling outreach and training to the private sector on NbS for increasing resilience to disaster and climate risks. In particular, sectors that have greater risk and opportunities from climate change and natural hazards are agriculture/forestry, green urban development/infrastructure and finance/insurance.

Event Description

IISD’s Lead on Sustainable Finance, David Uzsoki, participated in the third session of a learning series on ‘Implementing Nature-based Solutions for Resilient Infrastructure’ organized by the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). This third and final webinar of the series Financing NbS – Who is willing to pay? was scheduled for Friday 20 January 2023. In this webinar, speakers addressed topics such as:

  • The opportunities for garnering finance to integrate NbS within infrastructure transitions.
  • How a compelling business and market case for NbS can facilitate enhanced private sector investment in grey-green infrastructure projects.
  • Case studies and best practices related to incentives, mechanisms, approaches and policies that have enabled financing for nature based solutions for resilient infrastructure.


  • David Uzsoki
    Lead, Sustainable Finance, IISD
  • Emily Corwin
    Director, Nature Based Solutions, Conservation International
  • Marieke Nieuwaal
    Technical Principal, Nature-based Solutions
  • Adarsh Varma
    Director, WSP-UK